Thursday, January 12, 2012

Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival

I've been slacking, I know... last year, as uneventful albeit satisfying as it was, I should've at least shared some of my travels: i.e. my Pinatubo hiking rants...

... and HK adventures and misadventures, so people would've learned (HAHA!note to self: in the event that there are still avid readers and re-readers who take the time out of their busy day looking forward to seeing something interesting in the word wide WILD web, mine notwithstanding XD)

So for 2012, I plan on doing a headstart and giving you a heads up for easy travels you might wanna try too.

First to check off my travel list for 2012, just so you know..

Travel with my almost two-year old Allan (of which, I am now selling.. sad) to try out the Annual Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival this February! 

Spell R-O-A-D-T-R-I-P.

Colorful balloons here I come!

Photo taken here

Ali and the gang let's do this just like old times eh?


This time the more the manny-er! (note to everyone: KKB) HAHAHA in layman's international tongue, pay your own... :p

Let's go and not plan... it works best that way! 

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